Apr 16

Freshen Up Your Data!

As the seasons change and the weather warms, it’s the perfect time to take a fresh look at your personal data processing. Just like your physical workspace, your digital environment needs regular maintenance and decluttering to ensure compliance and to mitigate risk.

Bid Farewell to Unnecessary Data

One of the most important steps in effective personal data management is only retaining personal data for which you have a lawful basis to keep. Whether it’s outdated client files, redundant marketing materials, or internal documents, it is crucial to regularly review anything you are holding that has outlived its purpose

Understand and Adhere to Data Retention Policies

Data retention policies aren’t just a best practice – they are legal necessity. Depending on your industry and the jurisdictions within which you operate, there may be specific regulations around how long certain types of personal data must be kept. By staying up-to-date on these guidelines and ensuring your business is in full compliance with jurasdictional requirements, you can avoid the costly consequences of non-compliance.

Cleaning Your Desktop: A Risk-Reducing Habit

In today’s digital-first world, our desktops have become the epicenter of our work lives. However, this also means that they can be a significant source of risk if left unchecked. Sensitive documents, login credentials, and other confidential information can easily be misplaced or accessed by unauthorized individuals if your desktop is holding materials that shouldn’t be stored there.

What Do You Do to Keep Up with Data Retention Times?

Staying on top of data retention requirements can be a daunting task, especially for businesses with operations in multiple jurisdictions. That’s where tools like our filerskeepers module can be invaluable. By providing up-to-date information on data retention laws and regulations around the world, filerskeepers helps you ensure that your business is always compliant, and helps you manage your data with accuracy.

Your “Fresh Look” Checklist

To help you get started on giving your data a make over data spring cleaning, here’s a handy checklist:

  • Review and remove any unnecessary files or documents from your desktop
  • Organize your digital files into clearly labeled folders and subfolders
  • Shred any physical documents that are no longer needed
  • Check your data retention policy and ensure you’re in compliance
  • Explore tools like filerskeepers to stay on top of evolving data regulations
  • Schedule regular data audits to maintain a clean and compliant digital workspace

Remember, a well-organized and compliant data environment is not only a legal necessity but also a strategic advantage. So, let’s get to work and freshen up your data today!

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