Data Mapping

Build and model your data processing activities via an intelligent, guided flow. Get the right structure and appropriate level of detail and keep it evergreen in one single system.

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Map everything from data subject categories to assets and business processes in one place. With all data interconnected, you can make changes and ensure they are mirrored correctly in your system.

Identify high-risk activities

Identify high-risk activities

Easily identify gaps, and monitor high-risk areas such as sensitive data processing with our risk dashboard.

Easy to get started

Easy to get started

With a combination of data import functionality and intuitive flows, no consultants or certifications are needed to get started.  Our customers frequently tell us that our interface is simpler than anything else they’ve tried.

Reports you’ll love

Make comprehensive, visual reports in just a few clicks.

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Transition smoothly

Moving your data from spreadsheets, .CSV files or other software tools can be a pain – so we’re offering to take the work off your hands. With Transition Services, we’ll take care of every nitty-gritty detail in moving your data inventory, so you can focus on more important matters.

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Spend less time organising and structuring, and more time on driving real impact. Tasks allow you to automate and simplify activities in your privacy program, giving you more time to focus on the things that truly matter.

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Data Subject Requests

Document and organise requests, making it easy to prioritise cases and find the right data. Powered by purpose-built data inventory and visualisation features.

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DPIA & Assessments

Build, send and analyse assessments from the comfort of your desk. Track privacy risks in your processing activities, identify potential challenges and decide on your next steps.

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