Sep 14
Danish DPA Data Protection Digital Markets Act EU-US cooperation EDPB hits Meta, the EU General Court explains the nature

A member of France’s parliament is challenging the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, the Norwegian Datatilsynet won against Meta in the Oslo District Court, ICO issues guidance on protecting workers’ health data.

In less than two months after the European Commission and the U.S. government approved the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, it is now challenged before the European Union’s General Court by a French lawmaker Philippe Latombe. 

“The text resulting from these negotiations [between the EU Commission and the U.S. authorities] violates the Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, due to insufficient guarantees of respect for private and family life with regard to bulk collection of personal data, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),” Latombe wrote in his statement.

As Politico reports, Latombe filed two complaints: one to suspend the agreement immediately and another on the text’s content. 

Also, as Latombe has told Politico, “Besides worries about U.S. mass surveillance, the Data Privacy Framework was notified to EU countries in English only, and was not published in the EU’s Official Journal, which could fall short of procedural rules”. 


As the IAPP reports, “The Oslo District Court upheld the decision by Norway’s data protection authority, Datatilsynet, to issue an emergency ban on behavioral-based advertising on Meta platforms. After the ban was first issued in July, Meta sought a temporary injunction in court to prevent Datatilsynet from enforcing its ruling”. In the ruling, the district court sets forth that the Norwegian Data Protection Authority’s decision is valid, and that there is no reason to overturn it.


ICO has issued guidance regarding health data pertaining to employees processed by data controllers. 

According to ICO, the guidance “is aimed at employers to help them understand their data protection obligations under the UK GDPR and DPA 2018 when handling the health information of the people who work for them. The guidance aims to help provide greater regulatory certainty; protect workers’ data protection rights; and help employers to build trust with workers.

To help understand the law and good practice as clearly as possible, the guidance says what organisations must, should and could do to comply. The full guidance can be accessed here.

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