Feb 11

Releasing Notification Center, your go-to place for getting stuff done

Keeping track of everything you’re doing in your privacy program isn’t always easy. After you’ve sent out assessments, training courses, and set up tasks for yourself, the last thing you want to do is navigate between a bunch of different tools to keep up with what’s happening. That’s why we’ve gathered everything you need in one place.

Notification Center gathers everything you are planning on doing and combines it with smart suggestions for possible next steps – all to make it easier for you to act on your privacy program. 

To make it easier to prioritise what to act on first, we’ve separated your notifications into three distinct sections.


This is where you should start. If something is on fire – i.e. tasks are past their due date or data subject requests haven’t been responded to within 30 days – you’ll find them and be able to act on them here. 

Needs your attention

Once you’ve dealt with everything in Overdue, this is your next stop. Here you’ll find action items that need to be dealt with in the upcoming seven days, including:

  • Tasks and data subject requests
  • Assessments that’s been completed and need to be evaluated
  • E-learning course submissions that need to be evaluated

Suggested actions

Got everything under control? Great – because here’s where you can outshine expectations. Suggested actions work with time-based and action-based rules, meaning we know when you maybe should review that vendor that hasn’t been updated in a while, or add a DPA to that processor someone added recently. 

Oh, and we’ll also recommend features you have but may not be using – so you’re always making the most out of DPOrganizer.

We’re just getting started

We’re releasing Notification Center with a set number of rules and suggestions, but we are planning to add more as we get a better understanding of what you find the most useful. If you’d like to give us specific feedback on what you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let us know – you can reach us directly via product@nulldporganizer.com.

We hope you enjoy Notification Center!

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